Is it good to drink yoghurt or pure milk to reduce weight after all? Be careful! The more you drink, the fatter you get!

Lose weight after all drink leben or drink pure cow good, the individual thinks to drink leben better point. Just know that drinking yogurt is useless for losing weight, because you can get fatter and fatter! Just read on to find out what to do!


What distinction does milk and yoghurt have after all compared to reduce weight?


1, yogurt and milk nutrition is about the same, and there are experts pointed out that yogurt calories than milk calories.


2, milk, yogurt mainly contains protein, very low, fat content is very low, so think through this method to achieve the goal of weight loss.


  1. Milk is good for weight loss because it provides good protein. The weight loss benefit of yogurt is that it provides high quality protein and some live probiotics for the intestinal tract

Why did pineapple say that it is better to drink yogurt than milk to lose weight?


Because the milk that drinks only during reducing weight goes down for a long time very easy bring about malnourishment, and cause weight to rebound easily, do not suggest to use this method to reduce weight so. Yogurt contains a large number of active lactic acid bacteria, can effectively regulate the balance of bacteria in the body, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, thereby relieving constipation, to achieve a certain effect of intestinal weight loss.


Why is there some small partners in the persistence of a month, pleasantly surprised to find: he is more round than before??

That’s because you didn’t find a “healthy” yogurt to replace your diet in the first place.


1, first to choose the real yogurt, I have written how to choose a healthy yogurt, you can have a look:


Many people would call lactobacillus drinks yogurt, but lactobacillus drinks are not yogurt at all. One of the most intuitive ways to tell is by looking at the ingredients list.


Real yogurt comes with cow’s or goat’s milk at the top of the list of ingredients, and many lactic acid drinks come with water and sugar at the top of the list, which is not yogurt.


When buying yogurt, please scientifically pay attention to the “live bacteria” situation. Generally, live bacteria at low temperature contain lactic acid bacteria, whose shelf life is less than one month. And the shelf life of normal temperature bactericidal yoghurt is generally in 3-6 months, more suitable for the people who cannot refrigerate yoghurt.


Generally, the yoghurt in fermented milk market is divided into two types: fermented milk and recovered milk.


Fermented milk: yoghurt made by fermenting raw milk/fresh milk under the action of characteristic bacteria.


Recovery milk: milk blended with milk powder from the reduction of the characteristics of the role of bacteria fermentation into yogurt.


Recovery milk in the processing process requires high temperature treatment, compared with the original milk, its nutrients, such as immunoglobulin, vitamin A, such as loss.


“Fermented milk” is yogurt with more types of bacteria added. These species can live longer in the gut and really play a role in regulating the gut.


Look at the protein content.


When choosing yoghurt, want to check the package, choose the product with protein content ≥2.3%, the content is sticky or frozen, can conclude it belongs to yoghurt basically so.


Some products protein content ≥1.0%, liquid, content is relatively thin, they are not yogurt, but milk with water, sugar, essence, sour agent or fermentation agent made, called sour milk drink or lactic acid bacteria drink, sugar content is often higher.

Is it good to drink yoghurt or pure milk to reduce weight after all? Be careful! The more you drink, the fatter you get!ultima modifica: 2020-06-16T09:28:13+02:00da gypsophila0
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