Often drink yogurt, adhere to a period of time, the following benefits or will be uninvited!

Now with the improvement of people’s living conditions and health awareness, more and more people like to drink yogurt, yogurt itself taste very good, coupled with the nutrition is also very rich, is really a very suitable health drink. When a lot of people go to the supermarket, always want to choose a yoghurt, buy more to put in the … Continua a leggere

Is it good to drink yoghurt or pure milk to reduce weight after all? Be careful! The more you drink, the fatter you get!

Lose weight after all drink leben or drink pure cow good, the individual thinks to drink leben better point. Just know that drinking yogurt is useless for losing weight, because you can get fatter and fatter! Just read on to find out what to do!   What distinction does milk and yoghurt have after all compared to reduce weight?   … Continua a leggere

Can Celery Juice Help You Lose Weight?

Drinking celery juice every morning is a new health trend that’s marketed as improving overall health and boosting weight loss.   Celery and its juice have been shown to provide several health benefits, and you may wonder if weight loss is one of them. This article tells you whether celery juice can help you lose weight.   Why do people … Continua a leggere

What kind of advantage does drinking yoghurt have? Group 4 people drink it regularly and the benefits are obvious

The delicacy of yoghurt believes the person that has tasted knows, it can promote bowel movement not only, still can let the face more bright white have glorious, young woman often drinks yoghurt, can feel facial ministry more and more delicate and smooth.   And some middle-aged and elderly people can also drink yogurt to speed up intestinal peristalsis, digestion and … Continua a leggere

After be pregnant, pregnant mother drinks pure milk good, still drink leben good? Maybe this is the right choice

After be pregnant, pregnant mother drinks pure milk good, still drink leben good? Maybe this is the right choice In fact, in pregnancy to choose pure milk or yogurt, we have to compare.   First of all, let’s take a look at the similarities between them. From the point of view of raw materials, they are all milk produced by … Continua a leggere

You drink yogurt every day. Is that right?

When it comes to yogurt, you might think about licking a lid, but yogurt, there are more important things   Can yogurt fight cancer? Yes!   Wei fusheng, a member of the Chinese academy of engineering, said that lactic acid probiotics can prevent cadmium absorption, and eating yogurt can fight cancer to some extent. Cadmium is an environmental pollutant. After … Continua a leggere

Diet mistake: is yoghurt more sour more have nutrition?

Is yoghurt more acid better? Before you answer this question, you must first understand how milk turns sour.   Lactobacillus added to milk fermentation to produce lactic acid and other substances, milk will become sour yogurt. Normal factory yogurt, due to the addition of sugar or sweetener, its sweet and sour appropriate, taste very good. However, with the extension of … Continua a leggere

How long is the shelf life of old yogurt

The old yogurt can only be saved for a few hours after opening, while the unopened yogurt can be kept for about 10 days. Meanwhile, the sterilized and sealed yogurt can be kept for several months. The longer the yogurt is placed, it is very easy to lead to deterioration, eating will be diarrhea, so when you buy yogurt to … Continua a leggere

In fact, you throw away these are still precious! Never throw it away again

When supermarkets offer discounts or e-commerce activities, people will stock up on goods in large quantities. As a result, some food has expired or gone bad before they can eat it. It is a pity to throw away, and there is no use to keep, in fact, there are a lot of things you throw away in life are precious, … Continua a leggere

Can pregnant woman drink leben

Yogurt is a lot of people like to drink, it is a kind of good nutrition, on reducing weight, or calcium supplement, is a very good help, that pregnant woman can drink yogurt? To pregnant woman, go up in choosing yoghurt, also be to want to notice a lot of respects, and can be drunk on, also want to see oneself … Continua a leggere